Worlds Best Research

This page was established on 10-11-13 after not publishing anything significant since 2005, and some ideas as mixed acronyms for about 2 years.

World’s best research and my new fee structure for Posture and health, The chronic fatigue syndrome, Angina Heart disease, Cancer, Slipped discs, and much more Who is the good guy and who are the bad guys?

In 1975 I had health problems which were not responding to treatment so I decided to study them myself and develop my own methods, which is the sensible and constructive thing to do. However, recently, I have found that for the past 30 years people have been copying me so that my methods are now regarded as the best in the world, but nobody knows that I produced them. When I accuse them of stealing my ideas I am made to look as if I am being foolish and destructive to respectable people. Consequently my current problem is to correct that misconception.

No more ideas for free: It is no longer practical for me to help patients who are struggling with pain and fatigue because other people have been freely and blatantly stealing my ideas and taking all of the credit and getting all of the money, prestige, fame, and gratitude. In the process they have been calling me a worthless, non-notable fringy kook who writes nonsense and rubbish. Therefore I won’t be publishing any more of the methods which I use to treat my own ailments, so the thieves will have nothing more to steal. They will have to start using their own brains, but given their lack of practice I don’t think much will change.

Preface: By 1975 I had been going to doctors and specialists for several years but when the treatment was ineffective at relieving my ailments I decided to study and treat them myself, because, despite all the difficulties involved, there was no other choice.

As I progressively developed ideas about cause and methods of managing or curing each symptom I published them to help other patients, partly for the reason that I might gain some sort of recognition for solving problems that I knew nobody else had been able to solve in the past.

However, I have recently learned that some researchers have been copying my descriptions and conclusions and claiming them to be their own, When I accuse them of stealing my ideas, and provide evidence and proof of it, I have been treated as if I am being contemptible to highly respected individuals. Also, because my methods do not involve pills or potions, I have not been able to derive any income from them, yet many health care professionals are charging a fee for instructing their patients in how to apply them in modern clinics all around the world.

There are also patients who have the attitude that I am just a patient, not a doctor, and that I should provide more information for them to use for free, but that also gives other researchers the opportunity to steal them by claiming the credit.

I have therefore thought of how to solve that problem and have decided to charge a fee in advance of any of my future essays. There are 200 million patients with chronic fatigue, where some are wealthy but most are poor, so I am only going to charge $1 each, with the recommendation that others pay me $10, and wealthy people whatever they wish until my fee is met. See more here.

Essay fees in advance
Topic Discussion Fee Bank details
Abnormal tiredness in CFS

The cause, nature, and method of managing it. I am not the first to notice some aspects of the symptoms of tiredness which causes problems with chronic fatigue, but it is the new ideas, and the diversity and combination which will make what I will put in the essay unique, and has enabled me to have a good understanding of the problem and how to manage it.

$2 million

My bank account details for the tiredness essay is . .

Name: M.A.Banfield

Bank: National Australia Bank

BSB 085 443

A/c number


How to make exercise programs safe for CFS patients

More than half the 650 patients in a recent PACE trial reported being worse after the project than before

The U.K. government provided $11 million in funds to research CFS and exercise after I made it possible, and they are still having problems, so my fee for the original methods and an essay on how to fix the current problems is $22 million.

bank details to be announced

How to treat severe CFS

I will be describing what I did to recover from severe CFS between 1975 and 1996. I will also be discussing some of the complicated details which made it possible for me to understand it.

$10 million

How to diagnose CFS

I invented an entirely new way of diagnosing CFS some time between 2010 and 2011. it is called the DAtt method.

I can provide the method, someone else will have to test it.

I invented another method in December 2013 called the TCS (re: the ST)

$10 million

Post exertion malaise. It’s nature, cause and treatment

How to relieve the agony of slipped discs

I had a slipped disc in my neck a few years ago, and had agonising pain for 8 weeks. I experimented with ways of gettng rid of the pain and eventually it subsided. Since then I have seen other people who have also recovered but some are in constant pain and on analgesic drugs which cost most of their income, and spend half the day sleeping and have damaged kidneys etc from the side-effects, and have spinal surgery which costs thousands of dollars. One example was surgery which cost $600,000. Since I recovered I haven’t had any significant pain at all.

$1 billion

No refunds will be given, and the essays won’t be published until i receive the required amount.

One of the problems I solved

In the 1950’s Britains top researcher in chronic fatigue, as associated with Da Costa’s syndrome, was Paul Wood.

He came to the conclusion that it was an anxiety disorder, and that became the internationally accepted, and dominant world view, with very few people questioning it. It was still the prevailng opinion twenty years later, in 1976, when I joined an exercise class at the South Australian Institute for Fitness Research and Training. That class was organised and supervised by two research cardiologists who would have been familiar with the best opinions internationally.

In that regard, I was placed in an ordinary class of healthy people and told to ignore my symptoms and run as fast as I could each week, and get progressively faster until I returned to normal health. I soon found that such activity aggravated the symptoms which I was trying to treat, so I began developing my own methods until I solved the problem. Seven years later, the head of that research organisation asked me to design a program for other patients, so I did. The principle differences were that I required them to start at a very low level, and progress very gradually and sensibly stay within the limits which caused them problems. The success of the project was reported as a world first in newspapers in most states of Australia. See here. My methods were virtually the exact opposite of the previous ones, and are now used internationally. Nobody uses the old methods anymore, because if they do, patients drop out of their classes and report that they are worse than before they started

The moral of the story

If i hadn’t read that Simon Wessely had been given the John Maddox Prize for courage in science in late 2012, and If it wasn’t mentioned that it was for his research into chronic fatigue and exercise, and if it was not for me checking his history, I still wouldn’t know that he has been copying my ideas and methods for 26 years, and I wouldn’t know that my methods were widely regarded as the best in the world, and that I was the best researcher.

Now that I know, and am charging a fee for my future essays I expect that some of the copiers will try to prove that they don’t need me anymore.

If you give a man a fish, he will come back for another fish, If you teach him to fish he will catch his own fish, and won’t need you any more.

Hence, from the moral of that story, I won’t be telling anyone what I know, or what methods I use to gain that knowledge until I am paid in advance.

There are millions of people who owe me a debt of gratitude, but I don’t know if I will ever get it. I also didn’t know what would happen in the future in 1975, I just did what I had to do because no-one else could.

Why I am requiring the costs of my essays to be paid for in advance

In 1975 I had many health problems, and it was becoming obvious that despite his best efforts, my doctor was unable to explain or treat them effectively.

I assumed that he would have spent some of his time looking up the medical books to see if anyone in the world knew what to do, and that if he couldn’t find anything, that the knowledge didn’t exist, so I decided to do my own research and try to determine the cause and treatment for myself, and have been doing that on and off for 38 years.

Within a few years of starting I learned that the world’s top researchers were having a problem getting patients with chronic fatigue to exercise, and yet I knew how to do that, so in 1982, after discussing my methods with Tony Sedgewick, who was the head of the South Australian Institute for Fitness Research and Training, he asked me to design a program to gain scientific information and help other patients.

The project proceeded and it’s success was reported in major interstate newspapers throughout Australia, and probably the world.

I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that other researchers would start using my methods of commencing the exercise at a very low level, and then proceeding in a very gradual way, within each persons limits, because if they didn’t, the patients would be exercising too much and getting the type of symptoms that had been making them drop out of training sessions, as they had been before i defined my methods.

However, although I knew how valuable the ideas were, I didn’t know if they would become widely known and accepted.

My Methods of research are quite different from the standard type, which is one reason why I was able to find solutions that others couldn’t, but occasionally I would hear discussions on the radio, which were almost exactly what I had concluded, but no-one mentioned my name, and I didn’t know who they got the ideas from until 32 years later, in 2007, when I joined Wikipedia.

Two of the anonymous editors were telling everyone that all of my ideas were nonsense and rubbish which didn’t deserve any space at all in Wikipedia, and they eventually managed to get me banned.

However, I noticed that they kept the most important ideas of mine, but removed my name, and all links to my books and website, and attributed them to other authors. I also noticed that the same information as mine was already on some of their other topic pages, and that after I was banned, they had copied and reworded a lot more of my research, and even set up complete new pages to present my ideas, but attributed them to references by many other authors.

When I found out that the ideas were being stolen from me I was about to publish some conclusions which I had been developing since 2005, but decided not to until I could come up with a way to stop people stealing my ideas and taking the credit for them.

I didn’t publish any new ideas for about three years, and was forgetting some of them, so I decided to present them on my webpages in codes, such as the significant L, and the DATT method.

In the meantime, in late 2012, I saw that Simon Wessely had been awarded the John Maddox Prize for his research into chronic fatigue syndrome, with some mention of his supposedly “new” pioneering methods of treatment called Graded exercise therapy and Pacing etc.

The basic principles of his methods are a copy of the ones which I developed and refined between 1976 and 1982, and scientifically proved at the research institute in 1982-3.

He started his research into those subjects just four years later, in 1987, so it is obvious to me, and should be obvious to any intelligent and unbiased person that he has copied my methods, and I would be offended by anyone who would ask me to prove something which is so blatant.

It has also become apparent to me that some patients have been reviewing the research literature and criticising those methods by reporting that more than 50% of patients were worse after the exercise program than before.

Other patients have been mentioning my ideas in their discussions or essays, or books, about how much exercise, or how fast to go etc. but such groups, ideas, and discussions did not exist before 1975.

Other researchers and doctors are preparing official guidelines for defining, diagnosing and treating the ailment, and although they refer to biochemical studies and brain scans, they also include my methods as a part of their recommendations, but again, without mentioning my name.

In a best case scenario the researchers and patients don’t know that I am responsible for those major developments, and in the worst case, the researchers are arrogantly stealing my ideas with the expectation of getting away with it, and the patients are ungrateful to me for helping them when no-one else could.

In the meantime I have also seen discussions in groups or the media, or the internet, where patients are describing how one form of treatment or another doesn’t help, or how the number pills they take aren’t effective, or are causing side-effects, and are costing a lot of money each week, and how they want a cure, and are raising funds for someone to do the research for them.

They are talking about the pains throughout their bodies, the muscle aches they get with exercise, the problems they have afterwards which they call “post-exertional malaise“, and their “crashes” after exercise last week, and their “major relapses” this week, their tiredness, concentration and memory problems, and their brain fogs, and the distress and frustration they feel because of their ailment, so obviously, the people who are advising them don’t know what to do about it.

I have had all of those problems, and many more, but have developed ways of explaining and understanding and treating them, in the full knowledge that no-one else knows what to do, and I want to help them.

However, it is simply not practical for me to give suggestions while copyright thieves are waiting in the wings to steal everything I write, and then experiment with the methods and get their results published in major journals so that they can get the credit.

Nobody on this planet would be silly enough to discuss ideas from 38 years of research in a talk session where other people could steal the information and later claim that what I did was just an insignificant chit chat.

I have therefore been trying to find a way where I can help other patients and protect my intellectual property at the same time.

Some patients are very wealthy and living in luxurious houses, and driving modern cars, and can afford high fees, but many others are poor, and while I am no longer prepared to publish my ideas for free, I have decided to charge $1 per person until I can get sufficient numbers to provide what is due to me, considering the value I have to offer.

As an example, some time after I developed the usable method of studying the effects of exercise on chronic fatigue, the U.K. government provided eleven million dollars in research grants for a series of studies.

In a more recent project, called the Pace Trial, 650 patients were studied, and more than 50% reported being worse afterwards.

I therefore think it is reasonable and appropriate for me to charge a fee of $11 million for my original research which made that the first series possible, and an additional $11 million to recommend how to make it safe for patients, in much the same way as I made it safe for myself, for these past 38 years.

There are 200 million people who have the chronic fatigue syndrome, and if 22 million pay me a dollar I will write an essay. Until then mistakes will continue to be made, because, although it seems like a simple problem, it isn’t, and a lot of patients will suffer from the experiments conducted without my knowledge.

Remember, that problem has existed for thousands of years without anyone being able to define it, and for more than 100 years, the top researchers were not able to develop a method of exercise that was reliable, which is why I had to do it myself.

I don’t think that anyone will be able to understand all of the complications until I tell them.

I will also write essays on other topics providing that enough people will give me a dollar each.

One of the essays will be on the problem of abnormal tiredness in CFS, and what I do about it.

The cost will be 2 million dollars.

The list of essays and costs are posted at the top of this page.

The value of original books, movies, sporting achievements, and research

Everyone has read about the actors whose success enables them to command millions of dollars from movie companies to act in their next film, and sportsmen who are offered enormous amounts per year from competing clubs to play for their teams, and athletes can earn a considerable amount from endorsements. Even good horses can make millions of dollars for winning one race, and some patrons pay large costs for one piece of art. They also get the respect from the public for being the best.

Needless to say it is what goes into their achievements that is being paid for, to make the end result possible.

The value of my ideas and methods can be determined by anyone who wants to check the facts properly.

Meanwhile, as I they say, and what I have observed, many things in life make all men equal. For example, it doesn’t matter whether they have university qualifications, wealth, fame, or power, because, when they become ill they all seek a cure for their ailment, preferably an instant one. They will therefore search for the world’s best doctor or surgeon, and pay however much it takes to get the best treatment. However, despite achieving success in what they have done in their life, if they can’t find such instant results, they don’t try to solve the problems themselves, but will raise public awareness, and money for someone else to do the research.

I was much the same until it became apparent to me that no-one could help, so, as they say, I said to myself, “a man’s gotta do, what a man’s gotta do“, and I set about that task “win, lose, or draw“.

As it has turned out, I have actually produced many of the best ideas in the world today, but other people have been stealing or using my methods. It has been argued that they are men of education and prestige who have presented articles in top quality research journals, and I am not.

Nevertheless, they can’t steal from me again because I won’t be publishing my ideas anymore until everyone knows that they are mine.

  What will be in my new essays

Many of my theories and methods have involved the production, testing, and evaluation of thousands of ideas, and one of them took 23 years to produce before success.

The people who copy me, only have access to the information which I publish, which is a very small fraction of what is needed to know to understand and implement the methods properly, which is why I have been able to achieve success, and the people who have copied me are reporting many problems which they are unable to explain or fix.

Some of them will think that now that the have the basics, they can determine the reasons for their problems, but they will soon learn that it isn’t as easy as it seems.

They will also learn why I was able to solve problems which have been around for thousands of years, when no-one, including themselves couldn’t.

I had a large number of health problems when I started trying to solve them at age 25, and now, 38 years later, I understand, and can explain, and manage them all, and have been able to survive or cure many.

I may give some examples of what I will be including in my new essays, but the less I tell them about my methods, and the things I am doing right, and that they are doing wrong, the better.

If I do give some information it will be presented on this webpage.

Severe CFS

When my fatigue was at it’s worst I can recall deciding to go for a walk. When I lifted my left foot to take my first step my heart began to pound and when I placed it down my pulse slowed. When I lifted my right foot to take my second step my heart began to pound again, and when I placed it down again my heart slowed. After 20 yards I looked another 100 yards ahead and thought that I might be able to make it, but then I would have to walk another 300 yards which was slightly downhill. I thought that it would be unlikely that I would be able to get that far, but even if I did I would then have to return, and that meant I would have to walk uphill. I considered the fact that at some stage I would have to stop, and then I didn’t know what I would do, because if I asked someone for help I wouldn’t know what to tell them was wrong, so I just turned around after only 20 yards, and went back into the house.

I started reading medical books as best I could at a very slow rate until I had some slight knowledge of the ailment which I found to be Da Costa’s syndrome, and then that severe cases were called “neurasthenia gravis” where the person has difficulty with the slightest exertion. I also began developing methods for treating the problem, and later enrolled in an exercise class where I was always walking or jogging last behind fifty other people who were overtaking me before I had completed the first lap of a 400 yard track.

My heath improved somewhat, and seven years later the head of the research organisation where I did my exercise training, asked me to design and co-ordinate a project to help other people overcome their fatigue.

Since then the name of the ailment has been changed to the chronic fatigue syndrome.

I continued to develop ways of improving my health and now, 38 years later, I understand and can control the fatigue and all of the other symptoms which were associated with it.

Evidence that I am the best researcher in the world today

For much of the past 38 years it has become apparent to me that I am very successful at research, but I was not aware that other people shared that opinion until recently.

It is not that they are saying I am the best, but that some of the best researchers in the world have been copying me, or using or testing my ideas, or claiming them to be their own, and being given massive research funds, promotions and awards.

It is my ideas and methods that are now recognised as the best.

I will therefore give a brief list of reasons for saying that . . .

1. In 1975 I had many health problems which my doctor was unable to understand, explain, or treat effectively, and although I knew absolutely nothing about medicine, I decided that I would have to determine the cause and treatment myself.

Now, 38 years later, I do understand, and can explain those ailments sufficiently to treat, manage, or cure all of them.

2.One of the earliest things I did to treat my abnormal response to exercise was to enrol in a class at fitness research institute where all participants were scientifically tested to determine the effects of training. When I started I was told that my symptoms did not have a physical basis, and that I should ignore them and run faster and faster each week until I returned to normal health. However, that was impossible, so I decided that, rather than stop training, I would develop methods of my own. I made various changes. For example, I slowed down, and kept training at my own rate. Nowadays that method is the most famous in the world and is called PACING.

3. I began to read medical research journals and could see that some of the world’s top researchers didn’t understand some of the aspects of my illness, so I kept on trying to solve those problems myself. A few years later I was reading a book which stated that Cohen and White were unable to get useful scientific data an the effects of exercise because the patients could not or would not train. However, I had already developed a way of doing it myself. I later found that the author “White” was Paul Dudley White, who had been studying the subject for fifty years and was the world’s top authority on the topic, and probably the world’s best researcher at that time.

4. A few years later I discussed my ideas with a friend of mine who knew the head of the institute and advised me to meet him. I did, and when I explained how to do the training I asked him to see if he could speak to his two professional research cardiologists and ask them to run the study. They didn’t have a project for chronic fatigue patients, and were studying other ailments, so they said they were too busy to start another one. The head of the institute then asked me to design and organise the project which I eventually did. The success of that project was later reported in major interstate newspapers throughout Australia and probably internationally as well.

5. I wasn’t aware of the following events until recently, but about four years later, in 1987, a London psychiatrist started studying the same things, in a manner that indicates that he was copying me. Namely, he began studying undetectable illnesses, and developed an interest in chronic fatigue, and supposedly invented the methods of exercise, and included his interest in chronic fatigue in soldiers, which I had written about. In 2012 he was awarded the John Maddox Prize for his studies which were mainly related to chronic fatigue and exercise, and then a knighthood for his contributions to military medicine.

6. I joined Wikipedia in 2007 and came under a lot of criticism, particularly from 2 anonymous editors who eventually managed to ban me. but since then I have found many of my ideas and methods were already in Wikipedia, but were on other pages, and attributed to other authors, and more information about mine were added later, sometimes by setting up completely new pages.

7. In response to the criticism I added a slightly improved and more detailed summary of my 1982 exercise methods, in about mid 2008, and at some stage scanned the pages of my research paper and added them to my website as well. I have found out since that a colleague of Wessely’s named Peter White began a five year study of 650 chronic fatigue patients to determine the effects of exercise in what were called the “PACE TRIALS“. He has obviously used those details to try to improve the results of Simon Wessely, who wouldn’t have had enough information earlier. Nevertheless, after the results were published in 2013, there were reports that more than 50% of the patients were worse off afterwards than before, so Peter White still doesn’t have enough information to copy me properly. I know what he is doing wrong, but if I was to write about it, he, or someone else would take the credit, so I won’t be writing anything.

8. I will now return to the 1975 period where I also noticed that some of my symptoms were related to leaning forward, and within five years was able to determine that most of them involved a combination of spinal abnormalities, and leaning toward desks or benches as the common, but intermittent cause. I summarised my findings in an essay which was published in the Australasian Nurses Journal in June 1980, and which I have since called The Posture Theory. It explains the major causes of undetectable illnesses which had been a mystery for several thousand years.

9. I wrote many more theories on many other subjects but then in 1993 was diagnosed with cancer and told that I had a life expectancy of 2 months with no hope of a cure. I therefore decided that I wouldn’t have time to research and cure it myself, so I left the treatment up to doctors. Meanwhile I had started a small booklet on The Posture Theory and decided to keep writing it. I had found that nineteenth century women had many health problems due to the compression of their chest and waist by tight whalebone corsets. I assumed that they would be exactly the same sort that I had attributed to poor posture which was compressing the chest and abdomen from above, and when I studied that aspect I found that it was true. The symptoms are the same, and the cause is the same – mechanical pressure and damage to the internal anatomy of the chest and abdomen.

10. One of my problems was intermittent but often severe abdominal pain which would often persist for up to three months at a time, where no form of treatment relieved it. However, I knew that posture had something to do with it, but simply sitting up straight didn’t help, so I began experimenting by putting a platform on my desk to make it higher, and then by using an angled platform to write on, and then by standing up at a bench, and then by learning to type, and then how to use a computer, and eventually when I placed the computer screen at eye height, and the keyboard at waist height, I didn’t have to lean forward to read or type, and was consistently pain free for the first time in 23 years. Since then I have found that soon after I published that idea in about 1998, the C.D.C. of America, and the V.H.A. have been providing funds for other researchers to experiment with that method to determine it’s effectiveness, and large business organisations have been rearranging the way office staff do their work so that they spend more time walking and standing, and less time sitting at desks, and other companies have developed, and are selling stand up computer desks. I also saw a report of TV about a person who was called Adelaide’s Standing Professor. He is John Coveney of Flinders University, who said that he had been using that method for the benefit of his own health for ten years, which meant that he started in 2003, or five years after I invented it. He is evaluating the effect of health and also longevity, and is teaching it to University students, and lecturing and discussing it with other professors and colleague internationally.

11. In addition to many other theories and methods, I have also used a modification of the Pritikin Diet to successfully treat angina heart disease in 1997, and again when it returned in 2010, and, while the doctors who gave me surgery and chemotherapy for cancer were mainly responsible for me still being alive today, most people don’t survive for very long, and my methods would have played a part in my 20 year survival, See the CAT scan dated 10-11-93 which shows I had cancer here.

I have all the evidence that I am the best reseacher in the world today, but I can’t force people to believe it. However, nobody will benefit form any more of my ideas, until I get recognition for what I have already done, and payment in advance for anything I write in the future.

Introduction to fee structure continued After writing the introduction I thought some of it was too detailed so rather than waste it, I have transferred it to this location.

Whenever I published an essay or book or website I placed the © symbol on them to signify my rights as the author, but I always suspected that I would be copied. However, i didn’t find out until I was editing Wikipedia in 2008 when it became very obvious, but then I didn’t do much about it until late 2012, when I read that Simon Wessely of London had been given the John Maddox Prize for his research into chronic fatigue and exercise, and was then awarded a knighthood.

Since then I have given four public talks where I presented evidence of essays which have been published from as early as 1978, and newspaper clippings about my research from 1982/3, and shown the audience some books from 1994 onwards, and nobody criticised me. Members of the audience would comment that it is not unusual for people with many letters after their name (professional qualifications) to copy and claim the credit for the ideas of ordinary people. They were also kind enough to compliment me on my perseverance.

Nevertheless, when I criticise the people who are stealing my ideas on the internet, I get responses such as “the evidence isn’t good enough”, or they imply that “I was just a sports coach who sat on a fence and watched a few tired people run around in circles in one small insignificant study“. or that “I mean well, but my ideas are rubbish”. or they would say . . . “nobody is interested in your silly time frame”

In other words, they are trying to give the public impression that I am the bad guy, and that the people who have stolen my ideas are the wonderful, respectable men of prestige and status, and that I should stop making nasty accusations and leave them alone. There are also those who think that I am just an ordinary unqualified person, and that if I know anything I should keep on giving the information away for free?

I did the research to solve my own health problems, and I can now control the symptoms efficiently, but nobody has ever paid me, and I don’t have any obligation to help anyone else, especially the people who are robbing me.

I am also not going to provide information while other people are calling it “insignificant” or “rubbish”, and insult me, and then steal the ideas and get gratitude, praise, fame, and money from research funds, or treatment fees.

I still want to help other patients, but before I publish any more I will be requiring payment in advance, so that everyone knows the real source.

My future essays and fee structure can be seen in the chart below, followed by more detailed descriptions of why I have decided to proceed in this manner.

As an example, I want to help patients rich or poor, for illnesses which affect millions of people, so I require only $1 each to be deposited into my bank account. If enough people are prepared to do that I will write the essay.

Otherwise you can ask the people who copied me, and who didn’t know what to do until I showed them.

(I have since considered the fact that most people probably won’t go to the trouble of paying a small amount of $1 on the internet banking system, so. although you can still do that, I would suggest $10 or any amount above if you wish).

What should I have done? and why I did everything my way

In 1975 I had a lot of health problems which no form of treatment was effective so I decided to study them myself.

I has so many problems with pain and fatigue that the only thing I could do in any comfort was to lay on my back on the floor and stare at the ceiling and think about what to do to improve.

I proceeded according to the idea that I would do what I could do, when I could do it, and anyway I could do it, regardless of what anyone said it should be done.

Since then I have people tell me that I should have gone to University to get qualified, or I should have learned carpentry, or become an artist, or that I should set up a committee or a group of people, or I should do this or do that, and regardless of what I did, ten or more years later, someone who had only been considering the problems for a few minutes would believe that they had thought of something that I hadn’t, and would say – why don’t you do this or that, or have you tried such and such.

When I joined Wikipedia in 2007 I was soon confronted by people who would say you can’t do that, or your source of information is too old, and should do this, and we have high IQ’s and have been to prestigious universities, and we only accept information from highly respected authors whose articles have been published in top quality, independent, peer reviewed scientific or medical journals.

They argue that I was just a worthless, uneducated, non-notable, fringy kook whose ideas were rubbish, and who had only participated in one small research project, and implied that I was just a sports technician who sat on a fence and watched a few tired people run around in circles. They told other editors that I meant well, but Wikipedia was not the place for my sort of nonsense, and managed to get me banned.

However, if you are reading this now, and you check the facts you could see that many of my ideas are in many Wikipedia pages, but are attributed to people who have copied me, or have seen my ideas in other literature, such as research journals, where it has previously been copied but other authors

Nowadays I still occasionally have people tell me that I should have done it this way or that, or asking me why I don’t do it this way or that.

I would like to point out, that when I started the people who were doing things the standard way couldn’t find the answers, but I did it my way, the only way possible, and have either cured, or can now manage all of my previous ailments, and my methods are the ones that are in mainstream use today. M.B.

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